Yale Faculty, Students and Alumni Attend the LSA

Yale Linguistics faculty, graduate students and alumni attended the 2025 annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA).
Pictured here from left to right is Rikker Dockum (2019), now a Visiting Assistant Professor at Swarthmore, Luke Lindemann (2019), now a postdoctoral student at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Samuel Andersson (2025), currently a postdoc at Yale University, Natalie Weber Assistant Professor at Yale University, Chris Geissler (2021), now a Visiting Assistant Professor at Boston College, and Rashad Ullah now a middle school math teacher at Hardy Middle School in Washington D.C.
Other members of the department who attended the LSA include Larry Horn Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Philosophy, Doug Whalen Professor at the Graduate Center (CUNY) and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Yale Child Study Center, as well as members of the Dynamics Reading Group (Michael Stern, Manasvi Chaturvedi, Alessandra Pintado-Urbanc, Miranda Zhu, Ayla Karakaş, Herbert Zhou, and Jason Shaw) who presented at an organized symposium session.